Short introductionI am a computer scientist interested in analysis, formal verification, and synthesis of cyber-physical and software systems, in safe artificial intelligence, and in symbolic analysis of quantum circuits. I work as associate professor in the research group on Distributed, Embedded and Intelligent Systems (DEIS) at the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University (AAU) in Denmark, where I am also a member of the Quantum Hub steering group and an associated member of the basic research center CLASSIQUE. I am the principal investigator of the project Cosyne: Safe control systems with neural networks, funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF), and a co-investigator of the project EQuaL: Equivalence checking of quantum circuits via tensor decision diagrams and machine learning, funded by the Danish e-infrastructure Consortium (DeiC). I am also a member of the project STORM_SAFE: Software reliability for critical infrastructures, funded by the EU Interreg North Sea program. A CV is available here.News
Open positions
ContactAalborg UniversitySelma Lagerløfs Vej 300 9220 Aalborg Denmark christianms @